Center for Asylum Protection (CAP)

Our projects have focused on:

  • Assisting emergency cases of being arrested. CAP can support in finding the guarantor and in collaborating with refugee organizations on bail assistance.
  • Submitting refugee applications on behalf of clients including but not limited to legal submissions to assist with appeal cases, re-opening cases, flagging serious protection concerns to UNHCR, advocating for resettlement to third countries, and assisting with family unity to ensure family members are on the same refugee cases.

The primary mission of CAP – a project of our implementing partner, the People Serving People Foundation (PSPF), established with the active assistance of BPSOS – is to support and advocate for the rights of asylum seekers and refugees, to provide advice, representation and protection for people making asylum applications to UNHCR Thailand, and to help empower asylum seekers and refugees to realize their rights in Thailand. 

CAP works primarily with the urban refugee population in Thailand.

Refugee Support Network:

Assisted by trained volunteers recruited from the different asylum seekers and refugee populations, BPSOS fellows strive to meet their diverse and compounding needs including personal safety, livelihood, education, and referral to medical services among others.  BPSOS also advocates for the quick resettlement of UNHCR-recognized refugees and seeks benefactors to help those about to resettle with paying fines for illegal stay. Under special circumstances, BPSOS seeks emergency financial support from partners for particularly at-risk human rights defenders.

Through CAP program established and supported by BPSOS


food packages provided by Red Cross Thailand distributed to refugees


refugee applications submitted on behalf of clients


individuals recognized as refugees and over a dozen resettled to other countries


emergency cases assisted of being arrested


client calls to assist with protection concerns, including emergency matters