
Providing Support for Communities Across the United States
The goal of the BPSOS Citizenship Initiative for Vietnamese Immigrant Communities (CIVIC) is to provide Vietnamese LPRs (Lawful Permanent Residents) with ESL (English as a Second Language) and EL Civics instruction, assist with naturalization applications (N-400), and equip them with the knowledge of naturalization, affirmative immigration remedies, and immigrant integration related rights through in-language education.
As a result of CIVIC, thousands of Vietnamese LPRs have become naturalized U.S (United States) citizens. Our efforts to assist Vietnamese LPRs have resulted in community engagement.
Our educational curriculum includes high-demand topics:
- navigating the naturalization process;
- VAWA, U-Visa, DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), T-Visa, and Asylum;
- Know Your Rights;
- Immigration Policy,
- Public Charge Provisions, and
- Family-Based Petitions.

Providing Support for Communities Across the United States
The ultimate goal of RISE project is to encourage and equip Vietnamese refugees and immigrants across the country to play an active role in the social and economic integration of their families.
Since its establishment, BPSOS's RISE program has helped thousands of Vietnamese refugees and immigrants with many different wrap-round services which include occupational safety program to nail salon workers and employers, financial literacy, job training and placement, tax clinic, small business development, transportation assistance, and many more.
Through our effort in outreaching to community members, our clients are aware of multiple local resources available for them.